, , Barcelonnette… in the region, the renaming of places in the name of Abbé Pierre in question

, , Barcelonnette… in the region, the renaming of places in the name of Abbé Pierre in question
Avignon, Arles, Barcelonnette… in the region, the renaming of places in the name of Abbé Pierre in question

For the elected official, changing her name would mark her “deep disagreement with the character’s actions. This decision is not even debatable“. And this, even if Frédérique Corcoral, very involved with the most precarious, underlines that what we “incriminates, it is the person and his sexual abuse. We must not forget the tremendous work carried out by the Abbé Pierre Foundation and Emmaüs“.

While waiting for the small plaque to be unbolted, the elected official already has the idea of ​​renaming the space after a committed woman who led societal battles.It would be like a snub“, underlines the elected official. The choice of the personality, who could be from the region, has not yet been defined. Véronique Corcoral should quickly consult her neighborhood council as well as the residents on the municipal platform , I participate. The selected proposal will then be submitted to all elected officials at a future municipal council.

In , the mayor wants to submit the question to elected officials

The mayor of Arles, Patrick de Carolis (Horizons), has announced that he will propose, at the next municipal council meeting on September 26, the renaming of avenue Abbé-Pierre, located on the route des -Maries-de-la-Mer.In the context of the recent revelation of the accusations of sexual violence committed by the founder of Emmaüs, many municipalities across are already considering renaming the places that bear the name of Abbé Pierre. Arles, faithful to its principles of respect and protection of victims, also wishes to take part in this movement in a way that reflects the values ​​of the city.“, the municipality said in a press release.

Patrick de Carolis will therefore propose, “in the interests of transparency and dialogue“, a deliberation on the occasion of the next public session, which will also specify the new name of the avenue, if the renaming is voted.

In Barcelonnette, the municipal council will soon decide

Yvan Bouguyon, mayor of Barcelonnette, acknowledges that the future of the Abbé-Pierre square has already been discussed on several occasions.But the decision to rename it will be up to the municipal council. Even if, I admit, we want to change the name of this site located in the very centre of the town.”

The first magistrate recalled that it is appropriate “to distinguish the remarkable public actions carried out by this man – the appeal of winter 54, Emmaüs, his fight for the poorly housed – and his hidden side…

Then the elected official added, bluntly: “In light of all the latest revelations, which are difficult to challenge, it does not seem conceivable to me to leave the square with its name. What would our residents and tourists think? We are therefore heading towards a change. But, I repeat, the city council will ultimately decide.



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