Damien Borgnat appointed territorial director of Yonne of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Regional Health Agency

Damien Borgnat appointed territorial director of Yonne of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Regional Health Agency
Damien Borgnat appointed territorial director of Yonne of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Regional Health Agency

Damien Borgnat succeeds Yann de Kerguenec (appointed deputy director of the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental directorate, ARS Ile-de-) at the head of the territorial directorate of ARS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in Yonne. A directorate whose challenges he knows well since he has served as deputy director or interim director since December 2020.

Inspector of health and social action, Damien Borgnat began his career in teaching after a master’s degree in history at the University of Burgundy.

A primary school teacher between 2005 and 2016, he then joined the ARS as a territorial health facilitator and then as a territorial health development project manager.

Referent in several health territories, he ensures in particular the monitoring or renewal of three local health contracts (Tonnerrois, Avallonnais, Puisaye-Forterre) and is actively involved in the structuring of the coordinated exercise and the attractiveness policy of the territories: deployment of tele-expertise, advanced practice nurses, support for numerous health professionals in their installation, etc.

Damien Borgnat was fully involved in the Covid health crisis (management, vaccination campaign, outreach missions, etc.)

The Yonne territorial management has 25 people.

The challenges of more assertive territorial action, guarantor and partner of initiatives, access to care, attention to the most vulnerable, environmental health issues, prevention are at the heart of the priorities carried by the new director and his teams.



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