Tourism: A season that turns out to be calm after several exceptional years

Tourism: A season that turns out to be calm after several exceptional years
Tourism: A season that turns out to be calm after several exceptional years

An impactful calendar and weather

The weather was rather unfavourable this year 2024 and the summer was timid and short with a real start on July 20. Tourism professionals lacked vitamin D and the calendar proved to be complex on various points: political with the dissolution, school with late holidays and civil with July 14 falling on a Sunday. Not to mention inflation, which has clearly impacted tourism and leisure spending with a 2-point drop in the rate of French people going on holiday and going on weekends.

Still, 10.2 million overnight stays were consumed in July-August in -Atlantique, a slight drop compared to 2023, very marked in the month of July with -7% and a more reassuring month of August with -1% of overnight stays.

The return of foreign customers

French customers are slightly down. In Loire-Atlantique, they represent 77% of overnight stays, a volume down 6% compared to 2023.

Foreigners are back, with a significant increase of +4% and a notable presence of Spaniards +17% who favor cultural and heritage sites, Germans +9% and Belgians +9%, mainly on the coast and in the vineyards, the British are the great absentees of the summer with a decrease of -14%. A European clientele that allows to maintain tourist attendance and consumption in the territory and in particular in certain sectors of activity such as outdoor hotels.

Cultural dynamics

The Olympic Games have brought the spotlight to and . The impact in the region is less and will probably be felt in the years to come on the evolution of the attendance of foreign customers. We still note an “Olympic Games effect” for example in Saint-Brevin: “The excitement around this event was felt, we were lucky to have a Fan Zone in St Brevin (55,000 visitors), the feedback was extremely positive” St-Brevin Tourist Office

Events mark a real attraction for visitors to a territory. Loire-Atlantique has significant momentum thanks to quality events such as the RDV de l’Erdre, Hellfest, Les Escales, and Voyage à .

Cycling is popular

Two new routes were inaugurated this year: cycle tourism is establishing itself as a strong axis in Loire-Atlantique. With La Régalante, 117 km in Loire-Atlantique out of the 275 km from Mont-Saint-Michel to Nantes; La Vélidéale, 122 km in Loire-Atlantique out of the 675 km from Lake Vassivière in Creuse to Saint-Nazaire, and the continuation of town-to-town connections by the Department, these are all cycle routes for amateurs, experts and beginners alike. The 21% additional passages recorded over the two summer months of 2023 compared to 2019 demonstrate this interest.

A craze that is also found among professionals with 19 new Accueil Vélo* labels since the beginning of the year. They enhance an offer of almost 200 tourist services that make life easier for cycle tourists.

“This summer, the crowds were mainly marked by the presence of many cyclists using the new Régalante route.” Châteaubriant-Derval Tourist Office

The Meilleraye de Bretagne eco-counter recorded a remarkable increase of 346%.

The promises of the late season

For several years, professionals have agreed that the summer season is stretching out and that we must now count from April to October to draw a real assessment. The wait is therefore for the coming weeks, and the All Saints’ Day holidays with a 3-day weekend. “An ever-increasing seasonality therefore more volatility in consumption.”

The choice of autumn in Loire-Atlantique

The tourist offer in Loire-Atlantique is varied and offers a choice in all seasons. This fall, visitors, day trippers and tourists will be able to take advantage of weekends and the off-season for a cultural visit, a stroll by the sea or a stay in the vineyard. The website launched at the beginning of summer offers choices adapted to the season, highlighting accessible and sustainable activities. This fall, visit the castle of Oudon or that of Châteaubriant, discover the work of a winegrower in La Regrippière or enjoy a breath of autumn air on one of the many hiking trails that crisscross the area. To consult for your next outings:



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