towards degraded support for problems at ?

towards degraded support for problems at ?
towards degraded support for problems at Orange?

POLITICS / The CGT union for postal and telecommunications activities in Hautes-Alpes is sounding the alarm

– Hautes-Alpes –

The CGT union for postal and telecommunications activities in the Hautes-Alpes is sounding the alarm. According to the union, the operator wants to eliminate one of the two on-call duties in place in the department. A decision that risks impacting the speed and security of interventions according to Alexandra Pourroy, CGT union representative, working at Orange.

“The first consequence is that no one will intervene on anything to do with fixed telephony and problems with the devices that allow your boxes to function” A. Pourroy

Concretely, for the technician, ” If you break down on Friday evening, you will have to wait until Monday morning to be repaired. ” Another consequence of this modification of the on-call regime, highlighted by the union representative: the safety of the people who intervene.

“We often have dangerous interventions at night on pylons that are at high points in the mountains or in the forest” A. Pourroy



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