Oil, gas, electricity: why prices are falling

Oil, gas, electricity: why prices are falling
Oil, gas, electricity: why prices are falling

Energy prices (oil, gas, electricity) are falling at the end of the year and can allow savings to be made on bills.

Good news for the wallet: all energy prices continue to fall, to the point of returning to their pre-war level in Ukraine in February 2022. We could almost talk about a mini energy counter-shock for the end of the year and even next year.

Let’s start with oil: $15 less on a barrel since July means 15 cents less per liter at the pump. So much so that the price of fuel is at its lowest in two years and the supply/demand ratio suggests that barrel prices should remain reasonable in the months to come.

Gas prices are also falling: supply is abundant, stocks are plentiful, there are no maintenance problems on the networks, and consumption is tending to fall. The price of LNG, for example, has fallen by 15% since mid-summer.

And as the price of electricity has fallen significantly on the European market (we have returned to 60-70 euros per MWh, above the 50€ before the crisis but well below the peak of the crisis in 2022), the CRE thus anticipates a drop in regulated tariffs (more than 22 million families) of at least 10% on February 1.

This is the most likely scenario: the nuclear fleet is operating at full capacity, the EPR is arriving soon, our hydraulic dams are well supplied, we have more and more offshore wind turbines.

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Manu conso: Energy prices continue to fall – 09/17

Savings to be made

But there, given the rather wise outlook on prices, you have to look carefully. If you compare the EDF offer to the regulated rate, it is almost 20% more expensive today than the EDF zen fixed market offer. And if you look at the prices of other suppliers, a study published by Hello Watt this Monday evening shows that the most advantageous offers save up to 27%.

Concretely, for an average household with an annual bill of 3,000 euros, this should represent a reduction of 300 euros per month on the 2025 bill.



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