Hugo Manos on his participation in “Les Traîtres” with his companion Laurent Ruquier: “This game can have repercussions on the couple”

Hugo Manos on his participation in “Les Traîtres” with his companion Laurent Ruquier: “This game can have repercussions on the couple”

Model and former columnist for Don’t touch my postHugo Manos is taking part in the adventure with his partner, Laurent Ruquier, a leading presenter on PAF. The couple immediately showed themselves ready to appear together on screen.As long as it wasn’t a reality show and everything was focused on acting and human relationships, we agreed to do it.explains Hugo Manos. There was no room in this game to make us uncomfortable as a couple. It wasn’t about talking about our relationship. The game was really at the center of this show. It was very convenient for us both to participate because it allowed us to show how we behave when we are together.”


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What did you like about the game itself?

“It’s a show that I’ve watched several times, in France, England, Belgium and the USA. It’s a rather fascinating game where we discover unsuspected facets of the human being. For me, it’s one of the best TV concepts of recent years.”

How did you prepare for this experience?

I would say that life in general is a preparation. I am someone who is very observant, I know how to detect truth from falsehood and the flaws of the people in front of me. I also have this ability to be a chameleon. With Laurent, we have already done a lot of role-playing. It served as training for us.”

How do you spot the “flaws” in your interlocutors?

“It’s something that isn’t always palpable in others. It’s more of a kind of energy that comes out of people. Many details also betray. There’s non-verbal language, shifty glances, gestures of discomfort like frequently changing posture, for example. Or even finding yourself deep in thought.”

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Do you know how to lie well?

“Everyone lies. Those who say they never lie are liars. And, in fact, lying is not always so bad. On the contrary, it can sometimes cajole other people, do them good. It is up to us to know how to use it.”

Would you rather be a Traitor or a Loyal One?

From the beginning, I thought that having the role of Traitor was more comfortable because you can’t be banished. A Loyal, on the contrary, is in an unfair position because he has no way to defend himself. Then, the game is called “The Traitors”. So my desire is to be at the heart of this role-playing game.

Apart from Laurent Ruquier, did you know any other members of the cast?

“I know Valérie Trierweiler and I like her a lot. But I didn’t know the others at all. I think the idea is to put together the most eclectic cast possible with people who don’t know each other in order to spice things up a bit.”

How did your couple come out of this adventure?

“I send a message to all the couples who would like to participate in the show: you have to be very vigilant and take a step back and tell yourself that it’s just a game! The Traitors is a very immersive game, reality moves away as the days go by. If you are too first degree, there can be repercussions on the couple. I would not tell couples that we come out of it without any problems. Personally, this adventure also allowed me to discover myself more.”

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“There’s not just Cyril Hanouna in TPMP”

Former columnist of Don’t touch my postHugo Manos was not present at the start of the C8 talk show which is doomed to disappear with the removal of the channel’s frequency at the end of next February. For the young man, a return to Cyril Hanouna’s show is not on the agenda.At the moment, there are no plans for me to resume.”he explains before adding that he loved being a columnist for TPMP. “I don’t regret for a single second having participated. It was a great experience.”

What does he think about Arcom’s decision regarding C8?I just want to say that there is not only Cyril Hanouna in TPMPand on C8 for that matter. There are a lot of people who work for the channel. And I think of all those people I saw happy to work for TPMP. I remember a team that worked with passion.”

In the future, it is not on a TV set but rather in comedy that Hugo Manos would like to evolve. In order to improve, the young man is currently taking comedy classes.I hope that my journey in The Traitors will make people want to work with me and know me better”he concluded.


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