This Airbnb host hosted Jean-Jacques Goldman this summer

This Airbnb host hosted Jean-Jacques Goldman this summer

An Airbnb host, who rents an apartment in Scaër in Finistère, tells BFMTV how she welcomed Jean-Jacques Goldman and his wife this summer, who came to go cycling in the region.

At first she didn’t recognize him. Cathleen, a ceramicist and Airbnb host in Scaër in Finistère, rented her apartment to Jean-Jacques Goldman this summer. She recounted her adventure on social media and also confided in BFMTV.

“As he was leaving, I said to him, very stupidly, ‘you look a lot like my favourite singer,'” she recalls.

“As I said these words, I said to myself ‘it’s striking, this resemblance’. He smiled and said ‘it’s me’. It was a magical moment!”

Warm atmosphere

The exchange then becomes more fluid and very natural, as Cathleen recounted on her Instagram account last week.

“From that moment on, the dynamics changed slightly, but not the warm atmosphere. My heart was pounding. We continued to chat, but with a new lightness, as if we had become friends for a long time. I realized that beyond his celebrity, he was first and foremost a man passionate about life.”

This unexpected visit puts the spotlight on Cathleen’s accommodation. Especially since Jean-Jacques Goldman’s wife, who had rented the apartment, left a very positive comment on the Airbnb website.

“The few people who have come since, to whom I told that Jean-Jacques Goldman had come, were happy,” Cathleen told BFMTV. “They couldn’t believe they were sleeping in the bed where Jean-Jacques Goldman had slept, they were eating from the same plates as him… it’s touching actually.”

Magali Rangin and Sofiane Aklouf


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