For the start of the school year, a new shock campaign against school bullying depicts real-life situations

Presented as a social experiment, the video allows adults to confront the realities of harassment through scenes that actually happened.

“A reality that is difficult for adults to perceive.” This Monday, September 2, on the occasion of the start of the school year, several members of the resigning government, including the Prime Minister for a few more days, Gabriel Attal, presented a new campaign to combat harassment at school.

“I am launching a shock campaign this morning so that no one can ignore this poison that can destroy lives and families. So that the suffering and calls for help expressed by our children are always heard. And protection is always provided,” wrote the future ex-tenant of Matignon via the social network X.

“Harassment at school is an unbearable scourge. A reality that is often difficult to perceive,” wrote the resigning Minister of the Economy, Nicole Belloubet.

Social experiment

Presented as a social experiment, this new campaign, which takes the form of a video of just over four minutes, features adults located in a school setting. It was created and imagined in collaboration with the e-Enfance association and child psychiatrists.

These adults then take on the role of those being harassed, and of the harassers, and imagine what these scenes of psychological and verbal violence might look like.

Subsequently, these same adults are exposed to scenes of harassment played out by teenagers, during which a young girl is attacked, physically or via social networks. Situations taken from real events, collected by the dedicated telephone number 3018.

“These scenes are inspired by real situations handled by 3018, which receives more than 500 calls per day,” confirms the spot.

“Absolute priority”

When he took office at Matignon, the resigning Prime Minister Gabriel Attal made the fight against harassment an “absolute priority.” More than a million children are victims of harassment each year in France.

In the Ministry of National Education (from July 29, 2023 to January 9, 2024), Gabriel Attal had notably published a decree so that “fear changes sides” and that it is the harasser who changes establishment and not the harassed student. He had also established “empathy” coursewhich will be generalized this fall in nursery and primary schools.

The last school year was tragically marked by several serious cases of harassment, including the suicide of Lucas last January in the Vosges.


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