Endangerment at “Star Académie”: Loïc, Yohan and Maxim facing elimination

Loïc, Yoann and Maxim will face elimination on Sunday evening during the next Variété de Star Academy.

The seven boys, who were all being evaluated on Tuesday evening, took turns presenting themselves to the faculty with their interpretation of one of the five songs proposed by Garou the day before.

They had to assert themselves with Oxygenby Diane Dufresne, So that you love me againby Celine Dion, A chance we haveby Jean-Pierre Ferland, Ordinaryby Robert Charlebois, or The eyes of the heartby Gerry Boulet.

“They had a few hours to sleep and learn their song. We really want to know what is inside them,” the Academy director reminded his faculty colleagues before beginning the exercise.


If some were more comfortable than others with the choice of their song, the teachers, who did not mince their words for this first round of evaluation, especially hoped to see them surpass themselves and get out of their zone of comfort.

They noted in particular a lack of accuracy, confidence and depth in certain candidates, but also a gap between the emotion and the text of the songs.

At the end of these evaluations, the ax finally fell on Maxim, Loïc and Yoann. They will not be able to accompany the guest artists of the week, but will still have their moment.



Sunday evening, Maxim will have to demonstrate greater depth in his interpretation and he will have to do it on the play On my shoulder, Dashing Cowboys.

Loïc, for his part, will have to learn to channel his energy on the title Cold, the Chris Stapleton.

While Yoann, who narrowly missed during his evaluation, will have to defend his place on I run after Marieby Patrice Michaud.


During the episode presented Tuesday evening, the Academicians were also entitled to a first dance lesson with Émily Bégin, who took care to observe them dancing to different songs before having them practice the choreography which will accompany the theme song , Don’t leave without meduring the Varieties.

The daily life of Star Academy is presented from Monday to Thursday, 7:30 p.m., on TVA and can also be broadcast on TVA+.

To save a candidate in danger, go to votestaracademie.ca.



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