in the factory of fake babies of French cinema

in the factory of fake babies of French cinema
in the factory of fake babies of French cinema

REPORTAGE – Founded in 2008, Cinébébé has established itself as the European specialist in the creation of hyper-realistic baby dolls for cinema and the audiovisual sector. The two French women at the head of the studio opened the doors of their workshops in La Plaine Saint-Denis to us.

How are babies made? This is the subsidiary question that we were determined to answer by entering the door of Studio Junon. Behind the name of this Roman goddess, protector of women and symbol of marriage and fertility, lies a special effects company whose main activity, called Cinébébé, is to create hyperrealistic dolls intended for cinema and audiovisual production. . French regulations prohibiting the appearance on screen of a child under three months old, spectators have long been amused to see, in films, unrealistic dolls or large six-month-old babies playing newborns. . Advances in technique and the talent of two women have made it possible to remedy these errors in taste.

Their names? Justine Ray Le Solide and Julie Barrère. She displays a well-rounded belly when she welcomes us to the 300 m plateau2 of a charming building in La Plaine Saint-Denis housing…

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