The famous American filmmaker David Lynch, notably known for the films Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive and the television series Twin Peaksdied a few days before his 79th birthday, his family announced this Thursday, January 16.
The family of David Lynch announced his death in a message posted on Facebook on Thursday January 16. “ We would appreciate some privacy at this time. There is a great void in the world now that he is no longer with us. But, as he said, “keep your eye on the donut not the hole” “, we can read in the message. “ It’s a beautiful day with golden sunshine and blue skies all the way. »
The American filmmaker indicated last August that he suffered from emphysema, a lung disease, after years of smoking.
Born in 1946 in Montana (northwest), David Lynch is considered a master of cinema who revolutionized the image and marked this art with the disturbing and haunting atmosphere of these films. He grew up in a Presbyterian (Protestant) family of five children. His father, a scientist at the Ministry of Agriculture and his mother, an English teacher, moved regularly depending on his father’s assignments. David, bad at school, is a sociable child who collects rotten pieces of wood in the forests where his father works.