Thunderbolt in Bollywood, the mecca of Indian cinema. The very popular actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed several times by an intruder, probably a burglar, who attacked his home, report national media including The Hindu.
The attack occurred on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, around 2:30 a.m. local time, in the house that the actor occupies in an upscale neighborhood of the city of Mumbai. It was a domestic worker who raised the alarm and provoked his intervention and then his confrontation. In a press release, local police said that the employee was also injured and that the suspect fled.
Driven by his 23-year-old son to the hospital, Saif Ali Khan immediately underwent surgery. According to a doctor, two injuries are light, two are medium and two are deep with one of them located on the back near the spine. After the operation, the actor was declared “out of danger.”
According to Mumbai Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam, the intruder entered the home through the fire escape. The hypothesis of an attempted burglary is retained. He specifies that the injuries are the result of an altercation between the intruder and the actor and that fingerprints were collected.
Saif Ali Khan is married to actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, with whom he has two children aged 4 and 8.