The couple who won the Friday 13th lotto jackpot thanked the stars, seeing the influence of Pluto and assuring that an astrologer friend had predicted big changes for them.
Thank you stars and Friday the 13th. A couple from Savoie who won the Loto jackpot of December 13 of 13 million euros believe that there is nothing random in their happiness and see the influence of Pluto.
“2025 is a perfect year. One of our astrologer friends predicted a period of great changes for us, linked to the influence of Pluto. I believe that this planet must have played a role in our history”, assures the lucky winner in a press release from Française des jeux (FDJ).
A marriage thanks to Pluto
And Pluto is not only their financial happiness since after their victory, the couple decided to get married. It was he who proposed to his partner after discovering that he had won the jackpot, a request she had been waiting for for 20 years: “Our entourage will be delighted to learn of our engagement: they have been waiting for this moment for a long time “, she adds happily.
The couple who played the numbers 2, 4, 9, 27, 29 and the lucky number 4, have many plans. So organize their wedding, but also buy a chalet, change cars and go on a trip to discover Corsica and the Antilles.