The players, who wish to remain anonymous to avoid seeing hundreds of new friends, told their story to the FDJ representative. It was Monsieur, a casual player, who discovered the winning combination on this famous Friday, December 13. A grid validated by the tobacco press of La Cascade in Grésy-sur-Aix.
When he returned home, he made an unexpected announcement to his partner: “Our life is going to change… We are going to get married!” “. His partner, who had been hoping for this request for twenty years, was taken by surprise by this sudden news. But she quickly got used to the idea: “2025 is a perfect year. One of our astrologer friends predicted a period of great changes for us… Those around us will be delighted to learn of our engagement. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time! » she commented, delighted.
The couple already has many plans: organize their wedding, buy a chalet, change cars and go on a trip to discover Corsica and the West Indies… The numbers 2, 4, 9, 27, 29 and 4 for luck are to present engraved in their memory forever!