Verniolle. David Lafore returns to the Relais de Poche

Verniolle. David Lafore returns to the Relais de Poche
Verniolle. David Lafore returns to the Relais de Poche

Les Amis de Poche receive David Lafore on Saturday 18 at 8:30 p.m. on the Relais de Poche stage. David Lafore returns to Ariège and to the Relais de Poche with his new album “Toc toc toc” which he released this summer at the festival. On several occasions, his talents have been praised by specialists in French song. Thus the Charles Cros academy places him “in the vein of caustic lyricists, such as Vian or Gainsbourg, with instrumentations where reggae and Afro-Cuban rhythms are often sensitive”. On the occasion of the release of his album “J’ai l’amour”, composed of pop songs tinged with absurdity, “Les Inrocks” compare his musical universe to that of Philippe Katerine. David Lafore’s repertoire is by turns teasing and melancholic, his texts simple and complex at the same time, and his voice with a surprising register. His approach to the stage makes his concerts a hybrid form, between recital and theatrical performance, between contemporary poetry and burlesque. A spectacle of disconcerting contrast. All this mixes in a yo-yo movement, leading us from clearly punk-rock pieces to others that are very groovey or sensitive. It’s hard not to tap your foot… The common thread of this contrasting ensemble is obviously the very particular writing and spirit of this very contemporary author-composer.



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