Saturday morning, President Michel Granval revealed the results of the Lok’en Bulles 2024 festival. And it is not good. A change of date and a reduction in size are announced for the next edition.
The festival, its atmosphere, the activities, are popular but the sixth edition only attracted 800 paying visitors. Blame it on the terrible weather on Saturday. Add to this competition from the Brest comics festival, a lack of partners, and the results are in deficit. “Luckily, we had some reservations. We are still alive,” announces the president. So now is the time to save money. Those responsible are thinking of inviting fewer authors, housed, fed, paid and compensated, going from 25 to 20. A sale of plates of oysters with the glass that goes with them, will be managed by volunteers.
September 13 and 14, 2025
To avoid competition with the Brest festival and heritage days, Lok’en Bulles is brought forward to the weekend of September 13 and 14. “The key word is savings to sustain the festival. We will find the usual activities” concludes Michel Granval.