Jesta Hillmann (Moms & Famous) reveals the serious misadventure of her son Adriann

Jesta Hillmann (Moms & Famous) reveals the serious misadventure of her son Adriann

Today at 13:06 – by Sabrina Biodore

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This Saturday, September 14, Jesta Hillmann, recently seen on air in Moms & Famous on TFX, took to Instagram to discuss the accident suffered by his son Adriann.

Influencer, Jesta Hillmann has been present in several seasons of the show Moms & Famous, whose 9th season has been broadcast since August 12 on TFX. The wife of Benoît Essadi (met in 2016 during his participation in Koh-Lanta) is the mother of three boys: Juliann, Adriann and Bastiann (who was born last May). A caring mother, Jesta Hillmann has chosen to work from home in order to devote herself to raising her children.

There is Hillmann (Moms & Famous): the misadventure of his son Adriann

Very active on social networks, Jesta Hillmann confides to her subscribers on Instagram the joys and sorrows of her little family. On September 14, she recounted the fright she experienced concerning her son Adriann. Indeed, the latter was the victim of an accident and had to be rushed to the hospital. She published a photo of her little bundle of joy and added the following text: “Afternoon in the emergency room for Adriann. He fell on his scooter which literally split his lip. I’ll spare you the whole story, but four stitches on a baby’s face. The mother immediately gave details about her son’s state of health: “He’s fine, that’s the main thing.”. She then clarified that she would avoid filming Adriann for the moment, as her lip was too swollen. “Anyway, I still wanted to tell you so that you wouldn’t be surprised that he doesn’t appear in my stories much anymore, for the moment.” she finally clarified.

There is Hillmann (Moms & Famous) exhausted by her eldest sons

The day before, Jesta had shared her two older sons’ difficulty falling asleep. She posted the following message to her million followers: I don’t understand that Julian5 and a half years old, still doesn’t sleep through the night. Adriann is inexhaustible. I don’t understand that either. And yet, we don’t leave them in front of the TV doing nothing. They do a thousand activities per second. In short, sleep, at our place, is not that. Fortunately Bastiann is sparing us for the moment, because otherwise, it would be very complicated.” In search of solutions, the mother hen then asked her community to find “a very, very, very good kinesiologist.”

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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