The actor, who felt unwell in 2023 during the performance of the play “Rabbit”, is back on stage. The one who has just celebrated his 80th birthday will soon perform the play “Le Prix”.
Pierre Arditi, a year and a half after his discomfort during the performance of the play Laplandreturns to the stage to play for two months at the Théâtre Hébertot in Paris.
The actor, who has just celebrated his 80th birthday, is in good shape, he insists on BFMTV. “I would like to reassure BFMTV viewers. As they see for themselves, I am alive. I intend to continue a little longer.”
“Besides, the author Cyril Gély who is in the room, and (the director) Tristan Petitgérard think that I am still alive enough to carry out this very beautiful work that awaits us. So I am doing very well,” assures -he.
A true story
With a mocking air, he adds: “But if every time I have hay fever or I get a corn on my foot people think I’m going to die, then I’m really at the end of my career. I’m screwed .”
Pierre Arditi must perform the play from January 22 to March 30 The Pricewhich is inspired by a true story. On December 10, 1946, at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, Otto Hahn waited to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of nuclear fission.
-Shortly before the hour, he is joined in his suite by Lise Meitner (Ludmila Mikael), his ex-collaborator with whom he worked for more than thirty years. But Lise does not come to congratulate him. She comes to settle her scores. Because he reaped the laurels and not her.
No retirement
Pierre Arditi, who also released his autobiography, Born to playhas no plans to retire. “Retirement for actors doesn’t exist. Retirement, for an actor or actress, is death.”
“As you can see, I am alive. So I have not decided to retire,” he concludes. “I’ll take it when suddenly I’m no longer able to play or when the finger of the gentleman up there decides that it’s over for me. But it’s not me who’s going to decide that.”
Pierre Arditi, who had vagal discomfort during the performance of the play Lapland at the Edouard VII theater in Paris in September 2023, also continued its activities on television.
After lending his voice last September to the documentary Christopher Reeve: the eternal SupermanPierre Arditi will soon be appearing in the TV film Cursed on France 3.