The Esquisse company represents L’Avare, by Molière, on Saturday January 11 on the Altigone stage. This will be the first 2025 meeting of “Month Molière” dedicated to four comedies, which Altigone has hosted for many years. The company directed by Jérôme Jalabert, now resident in Saint-Orens, made its debut on this stage. This year it is celebrating its 30th anniversary as a professional troupe.
Also, among various events to mark this thirtieth anniversary, the evening begins early in the Altigone hall at the Gustave Club, with an “aprologue”, an aperitif of the evening: for this opening day, readings around Molière by the actors.
The performance of The Miser will be followed by an opening ball with the club scene.
Darkness and laughter
With the Miser, the Sketch puts on a fairly dark play with contemporary accents, which brings out the destructive aspect of the avarice gnawing at Harpagon, a real disease.
Destruction of the family, of all feelings, of oneself. But it is a comedy and the laughter is always there, the happy ending and love wins.
Young people in love, devoted servants, a father who gets in the way, a bit of mystery. A turnaround… Who doesn’t remember the famous scene from the cassette and the classic among the classics? A great pleasure to find it again, or to discover it, recreated by the actor and the direction.