The Australian children’s animated series “Bluey”, broadcast on the Disney+ platform, will be adapted for cinema in 2027, the Disney group announced on Tuesday. She has won several awards at the Emmy Awards and the Bafta Awards.
“Bluey”, created by Joe Brumm and produced by Ludo Studio, was launched in 2018 on the ABC Kids channel, then broadcast internationally on Disney Junior and the Disney+ platform. The series features a family of Australian drovers faced with the ups and downs of childhood and parenthood in Australia. Bluey, the heroine, is 6 years old, has a little sister and is full of energy, curiosity and imagination.
The series has quickly become a global phenomenon, uniting families around the world around its heartfelt stories of play, imagination and connection,” Alan Bergman and Dana Walden, co-chairmen of Disney Entertainment, said in a statement.
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The most watched animated series in the world
The simplicity and familiarity of the stories are the main keys to the success of “Bluey”. The series would also allow children to better verbalize their emotions. As for parents, she would teach them to stay positive and always try to do their best.
Winner of the Emmy and Bafta Awards, it is available in more than 140 countries and is the most watched series in the world on Disney+ and the most watched in streaming in the United States, according to Disney.
Radio subject: Anne Fournier
Adaptation web: afp/ld