What is the history of contraceptives through the ages?

What is the history of contraceptives through the ages?

Contraceptives play a key role in birth control and allow women and men to plan their families and choose the most opportune time to have children. They are also essential for sexual and reproductive health, since they reduce the need for abortion and allow sexual intercourse without fear of unwanted pregnancy. The use of contraceptive methods has thus allowed women to gain autonomy, pursue careers and better manage their menstrual cycle. When did the first contraceptive practices appear? What were the solutions before the contraceptive pill? We tell you everything.

In France, contraception has undergone many twists and turns since the 1960s. At that time, women campaigned for access to contraception, a fight led by iconic figures such as Lucien Neuwirth. His 1967 law notably made it possible to repeal the ban on contraception passed in 1920. The pill could therefore be used legally in France from 1967, and the IUD appeared in 1972. On January 17, 1975, under the leadership of Simone Veil, voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG) was also legalized. More recently, since January 1, 2023, hormonal emergency contraception, or the morning-after pill, has been available free of charge in pharmacies for all women.

Before modern advances, women used crude and sometimes (…)

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