Anything but a romantic comedy! The first title of the film with Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron could never have been validated by Netflix – Cinema News

Anything but a romantic comedy! The first title of the film with Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron could never have been validated by Netflix – Cinema News
Anything but a romantic comedy! The first title of the film with Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron could never have been validated by Netflix – Cinema News

Zac Efron wondered what it was about when he discovered the first working title of the Netflix film “The Family Secret” starring Nicole Kidman.

It’s only been online since Friday and has already reached the number one spot on Netflix’s top movies list. The Family Guy starring Zac Efron and Nicole Kidman is a lovable romantic comedy that originally had a raunchier – and much more hilarious – title when the script first landed on their desks.

His name was Motherf—–“, Efron said in an interview with the magazine People this week. “Written as is“, Nicole Kidman clarified. Behind this “Motherf—–“, we must read “motherfucker” which can be translated as “son of a bitch” or “asshole”, we’ll let you choose the nuance between the two.

“Somehow it didn’t make the final title,” adds a lucid Nicole Kidman. “Yet the catchy title worked like magic on them.”This allowed the scenario to stay at the top of the pile” explains Zac Efron. “We wondered what it could possibly be about.

A real pleasure

Directed by Richard LaGravenese (PS I Love You), the romantic comedy stars Efron as Chris Cole, a famous actor who ends up falling in love with his assistant Zara’s (Joey King) mother, Brooke, played by Nicole Kidman. Zac Efron told Entertainment Weekly that playing a famous actor in the film made him and the crew feel like they were filming”our version of The Office“.

And, like that cult series, he and Joey King were given full permission to try things out during filming.”We had an extraordinary screenwriter, Carrie Solomonwho wrote a most hilarious script, and Richard, our director, was very cooperative“, explique Joey King.

As far as getting into our characters, they let us improvise and bring our own flavor to certain scenes. We would follow her script for several takes and then do fun improvisations based on the suggestions she gave us, which was a lot of fun. It felt like we were acting all the time.

And Zac Efron added: “They always had new stuff to suggest to us if we were running out of ammo or ideas. It was really safe and important to be in such a collaborative environment when you’re doing something like this.“.

The Family Secret is currently available on Netflix.



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