The Bobital L’Armor à Sons festival wants to continue its greening

The Bobital L’Armor à Sons festival wants to continue its greening
The Bobital L’Armor à Sons festival wants to continue its greening

“Our priority is to reduce our carbon footprint.” Elvis Denieul has been a member of the sustainable development committee at the Bobital L’Armor Festival in Sons since its creation five years ago. For the 2024 edition, with the arrival of the new site, it was necessary to question the natural spaces of the plain. “There was a diagnosis. For example, on the site, there is a small pond to preserve.” Once installed, the teams had to work on reducing the carbon footprint of supplies, particularly food, a strong theme for this 14th edition.

Ant work

Even though the organizers have already done a lot in terms of sustainable development, particularly with festival-goers, with the installation of dry toilets, transformation of lights, less plastic present, ecocups… The Bowidel association also works with high school students to sort waste each year. “Each piece of waste is sorted one by one,” says Elvis Denieul. A real work of ants.

“But there are levers to improve the locality, particularly in the transport of festival-goers and food,” he continues, emphasizing the importance of carpooling, which is still somewhat under-exploited by festival-goers. A drop-off point was also offered this year.

Improvements already spotted

Regarding mobility, Elvis Denieul, member of the sustainable development commission, already has some ideas for improvement. During this 14th edition, festival-goers were able to take advantage of the Bobi’train to reach Bobital and its shops from Bourillet, it should be repeated. “Because we know where we come from”, Yoann Réhel, co-president of Bowidel, has said several times. What is less visible to the public, a courier travels to the site to drop off equipment by bike. According to the organizers, he cycled between 30 and 35 km per day.

Among the wishes mentioned, strengthening the Dinamo (shuttles for festival-goers), “carpooling and cycle paths. For the first year, we created signage for bicycles”, explains Elvis Denieul. A reflection on more bocage in the coming years is also underway. “We have the will to do it”, insists the member of the commission.



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