The Louvre is playing on slowdown and new audiences

The Louvre is playing on slowdown and new audiences
The Louvre is playing on slowdown and new audiences

Rejuvenation of the public, fight against overcrowding, strengthening of regional partnerships, development of the event offer… According to the data from the annual report, the “re-enchantment” policy driven by Laurence des Cars took off in 2023.

Since her appointment in September 2021, Laurence des Cars has been hammering home the fact that the Louvre has been experiencing a before and after Covid. The museum’s activity report, published at the end of June, outlines the main points of its policy: abandoning the culture of numbers by limiting it to 30,000 visitors per day, modernizing spaces for visitor comfort, and making a stronger appeal to local visitors. The 2023 attendance (8.9 million visitors in Paris, 1.2 million in Abu Dhabi, i.e. +19.5 million euros in ticket revenue compared to 2022) and the increase in own resources (61% in 2023, compared to 56% in 2022) indicate a good year for the world’s largest museum, although marked by the increase in operating costs linked to inflation. If last year, 68% of visitors were international, the French demonstrated their loyalty in other ways: as evidenced by the success of the crowdfunding campaigns for the acquisitions of the Choiseul snuffbox a you Basket of strawberries de Chardin.

Galleries: completed and ongoing projects

The year 2023 saw the conclusion and launch of three projects to redevelop the permanent exhibition spaces. Half-closed since the mid-2000s, the Campana gallery, which houses the collection of ancient Greek ceramics in the Sully wing, has reopened its doors in its entirety. Now equipped with a new entrance, it is divided into three large sections deployed in a row of nine rooms along the Seine: a new introductory room, three study rooms and a chronological route in five rooms. In addition to this reopening,…



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