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Plus belle la vie in advance: what awaits you in episode 126 on Tuesday July 2, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Plus belle la vie in advance: what awaits you in episode 126 on Tuesday July 2, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Plus belle la vie in advance: what awaits you in episode 126 on Tuesday July 2, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle”… Samuel discovers the unthinkable about Jennifer. Steve seems to be hiding a dark secret, while Vanessa tries to bribe Blanche.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle broadcast Tuesday afternoon on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

Tuesday June 2 in Plus belle la vie, even more beautiful…

Vanessa bribes Blanche

Ophélie is determined to overcome her agoraphobia. In the early morning, she walks down the street alongside Vanessa. She feels good, and her heart is not racing. She said to her mother: “It’s crazy, I’m breathing normally”then throws herself into his arms. Vanessa has tears in her eyes seeing her daughter overcome her greatest fear.

Suddenly, Ophelia said to her mother: “It’s all thanks to Anaïs”, then asks her if she knows The Pavilion of Flowers. Obviously, this place is familiar to Vanessa, since she planned to buy it with the aim of opposing Blanche and Luna’s associative project. So she responds straight away: “Blanche is a bitch.”

At the end of the day, Vanessa visits Blanche. She tells her that she does not want her to see her daughter. She hands her an envelope to buy her silence. Blanche looks her straight in the eye, then says: “I hope we will have the opportunity to talk about the past again,” but Vanessa answers: “I’d rather die” and leaves.

Is Steve going bad?

At the police station, Mirta came to file a complaint because she thinks she is the victim of a scam with the Bibac company. And for good reason, Steve disappeared and the money she had invested disappeared. This has happened to all of Bibac’s customers.

After filing her complaint, Mirta finds Luna at the Mistral. She regrets having led her daughter into what she considers to be a trap: “I never thought he could scam us like this”Suddenly, she receives a message from Yolande telling her that Steve has just returned to the residence.

Mirta and Luna immediately pay the young man a visit. As Luna starts to raise her voice, Steve tries to justify himself by explaining that it is not a scam, but rather a server bug: “It took us three days to restore everything.” By going to the Bibac application, the two women discover that the agent has reappeared.

Once Mirta and Luna leave, Steve calls his boss, Rebecca. The latter said to him: “I’m delighted that you’ve understood the true essence of my business and that you’re up for it. With you in the mix, we’re going to move upmarket.” What are they talking about ?

Suddenly, someone knocks at the door. It’s Nisma. She throws herself into Steve’s arms and asks him where he’s been all weekend. He answers that he’s been with Rebecca. Nisma is furious that her boyfriend hasn’t given her any sign of life. She tells him: “Do you remember that I’m your girlfriend?” The tension is at its highest.

Who is Jennifer really?

At the police station, Samuel informs Ariane that Jennifer left him last night. He takes the opportunity to tell Ariane that a few weeks ago, he wanted to investigate his girlfriend, but that he didn’t follow through on it out of respect for her. Ariane advises him to reopen the case to learn more about the young woman.

For her part, Jennifer goes to the doctor’s office to collect her dismissal letter. Riva and Léa give him the mail with a certain sadness. Jennifer asks them to give her a second chance, but Gabriel refuses. On the verge of tears, she exclaims : “I’m tired of telling everyone that I’m innocent.”

As Jennifer leaves the office, she runs into Pascal with a kitten in his arms. She explains to Pascal that she would have liked to adopt the animal, but the hotel she is staying in may not accept it. So, the nurse volunteers to look after the kitten while she finds an apartment.

Later that day, Jennifer goes to Pascal’s house to take care of her new kitten. She decides to call him Figaro. Against all expectations, Pascal offers to come and live with him for a few days, which she readily accepts. What plan does he have in mind?

At the police station, a dark discovery is about to upset Samuel. While examining Jennifer’s file, he comes across unthinkable information: “The only Jennifer Maseron who was born on July 13, 1980 died during a humanitarian mission in Sudan.” The young woman therefore allegedly usurped the identity of a deceased person.



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