“Sparks of humanity”, a rap compilation to help firefighters

“Sparks of humanity”, a rap compilation to help firefighters
“Sparks of humanity”, a rap compilation to help firefighters

the essential
Habib Tahri, who has lived in Lézignan since 2016, is a manager and communications officer for urban music artists. He is taking part in the “Étincelles d’humanité” adventure, a rap compilation designed to support the firefighters of France in their actions.

For years, if not always, the world of rap has conveyed a bad image. That of violent individuals, quick to get involved in trafficking of all kinds, to instigate attacks between rival gangs, to confront the police and even to stone firefighters. Clichés certainly die hard, even if numerous examples have fueled, and still fuel, the chronicle of news items. It is to break all these codes a little but also, and above all, to pay tribute to the firefighters, that a compilation of artists labeled urban music saw the light of day, a few months ago, under the title “Étincelles of humanity.”

“The firefighters saved him and his family”

Habib Tahri, Lézignanais since 2016, manager specialized in this musical universe and responsible for its promotion, explains the genesis of this project, which is, to say the least, iconoclastic: “The producer, whose name is Kim Prod, was the victim of a fire at the Summer 2022, in Ardèche his house was taken by flames and the firefighters saved him and his family To thank them, he decided to put his talent and that of several artists in this compilation. which will result are entirely donated to the National Federation of French Firefighters. We wish to support the French firefighters in their vital mission of protecting lives and property.

“Risking your life to save others is priceless”

Among the authors invited to collaborate, include Faf Larage, Le Rat Luciano (Fonky Family), Boss One (3e Œil), K-Méléon, or even Kalash l’Afro and a host of independent artists: “All of them came in such a way completely free and voluntary in the service of this cause that they defend, insists Habib Tahri It takes precedence over everything else: coming at the risk of one’s life to save others, that is priceless and it deserves all our support. support”.

In the spirit of the 80s-90s

It is in this spirit that Kim Prod wanted to build this charitable work: “We associate rap too much with scum, with thugs, here it is the opposite. We must differentiate between the rap that we can hear on big radio stations, which carries negative messages around drugs, money and violence, and the rap that conveys a positive message. We are getting closer here to the hip-hop music that we could listen to in the 80s and 90s, with real writing and meaning: that of respect for others, of unity and peace”, hammers again the manager from Lézignan, proud to participate in such an initiative.

Read also :
“Toulouse rappers are not highlighted enough”: how to get hip-hop moving in the Ville Rose?

For now, the team is already working on organizing, if funding and partnerships follow, several concerts in France. She also plans to continue the adventure by launching, every year, as much as possible, other compilations whose profits would be allocated to other causes. To break the codes, to highlight initiatives in the service of others: it feels good. Especially right now.

The compilation “Étincelles d’humanité” is available on CD, vinyl or digitally at the Scred-boutique, physically located in Paris but which also has its own website (scredboutique.com).


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