Prince Harry’s new confidences on the disappearance of Lady Di

Prince Harry’s new confidences on the disappearance of Lady Di
Prince Harry’s new confidences on the disappearance of Lady Di

Par M-L. M.

yesterday at 5:31 p.m.


ON VIDEO – The Duke of Sussex recently reflected on the pain he felt following the road accident which claimed the life of his mother, Lady Diana, on August 31, 1997.

“As a child, it’s easy to convince yourself that the person who died would want you to stay sad as long as possible, to show them that you miss them.” These words are those of Prince Harry. Ambassador since 2017 for Scotty’s Little Soldiers, a charity which supports bereaved military families, the Duke of Sussex recently spoke with the widow of a soldier killed in Afghanistan. An exchange during which he briefly returned to his grief during the disappearance of Lady Diana, when he was 12 years old.

What are the emotions felt when a loved one dies? How do you tell your children? How do you deal with the aftermath? These are the topics discussed by Prince Harry and Nikki Scott, founder of the British association, in a long interview published on YouTube. These are all situations that Meghan Markle’s husband unfortunately faced after the car accident that cost his mother her life on August 31, 1997, under the Pont de l’Alma in Paris.

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“Celebrating the lives of those who have passed away”

And while Nikki Scott spoke of the need “for those who remain” to celebrate the lives of the deceased, the Duke of Sussex did not hide the fact that, in his case, this step had been complicated. “It’s the hardest thing, especially for children,” he began. And added: “They say to themselves: “I don’t want to talk about it because it will make me sad.” As soon as they understand that by talking about it, they are celebrating life, then things become simpler,” he explained, before warmly thanking his interlocutor for her charitable work with grieving children.



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