“It seemed obvious to me.”

“It seemed obvious to me.”
“It seemed obvious to me.”

A few weeks ago, Jorick Dorignac won season 15 of Top Chef broadcast this spring on M6. It took shortly after his victory for him to be offered a place of choice, since Stéphanie Le Quellec, who accompanied him throughout the adventure, has just made him a very good offer.

The professional and friendly crush between Stéphanie Le Quellec, new juror of Top Chef, and his protégé Jorick Dorignac, winner of this 2024 season, was confirmed over the episodes. This Wednesday, June 26, the two-star chef announced big news: Their collaboration will extend beyond the show since Jorick will join its kitchens in October.. He was given the position of executive chef of the Maisons Le Quellec group which includes La Scène (two stars), Vive – Maison Mer and MAM. He will thus join the brigades and leaders already active in these three addresses.

“A unique culinary pairing” : Jorick Dorignac, winner of Top Chef 2024joins the kitchens of Stéphanie Le Quellec

A few days ago, Stéphanie Le Quellec welcomed the deserved victory of Jorick, who was able to convince the 100 guests who attended the grand final which pitted him against Clotaire Poirier, his friend of the adventure. The chef believed in him from the start and continues to trust him, this time offering him a position in her own restaurants. “Our two worlds, although different, feed off each other, giving rise to a unique culinary understanding. I wanted to maintain and enrich this authentic human encounter“, explained the chef on Instagram. “The real luxury of being a business owner is being able to work with people with whom you have a sincere connection and being able to integrate them into your professional life. I have been thinking about this job creation for many months and after meeting Jorick, offering him to support me within my houses seemed obvious to me.”

Jorick (Top Chef 2024) : Stéphanie Le Quellec was the most sincere meeting of this last year”

From October, Jorick’s role will be to support Stéphanie Le Quellec on R&D missions, “He will act as my double in the development of the Maisons Le Quellec group“, added the winner of the second season of Top Chef. As for Jorick, he emphasized: I have never stopped repeating that chef Le Quellec was the most sincere meeting of this last year. We quickly spoke of the obvious because the alchemy happened naturally and quickly. His support was essential to my adventure and this collaboration within Maisons Le Quellec seems logical to me. I am full of enthusiasm at the idea of ​​bringing my experience and my world to this new big family”.

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