Corinne Touzet on #MeToo: “We were often terrorized, besieged prey”

Corinne Touzet on #MeToo: “We were often terrorized, besieged prey”
Corinne Touzet on #MeToo: “We were often terrorized, besieged prey”

Her name is added to the now long list of those who denounce the actions of men on and off film sets. Corinne Touzet, who played Isabelle Florent, the heroine of the television series A woman of honorexpressed herself in the pages of TV Stars but also in those of the magazine We bothabout sexual assaults committed in cinema.

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She declared herself admiring of actresses who come out of silence and dare to say what they have seen or experienced. She cites in particular Judith Godrèche who, according to her, showed extreme courage by giving the anthill a big kick.

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The actress and producer also gives a testimony about her experience which, as for the other actresses who dared to speak, once again sends shivers down the spine. “I am part of the generation most exposed to these problems. […] In the 80s, we were subject to macho diktats, she explains. When I arrived in Paris at 21, we were prey, often terrorized, under siege.” She also says she suffered sexual assault, although she does not go into detail about what she endured. “I was harassed, I was cornered in corridors, she confides. Everything you can imagine that could happen has happened. I was cornered, I refused work offers when I was asked for favors in return.”It was an era that I hope is over”she concludes by adding: “The most important thing is that this is no longer possible.”

The lessons of #Metoo are far from being learned…



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