Sanseverino without fuss before his concert in Brioux-sur-Boutonne

Sanseverino without fuss before his concert in Brioux-sur-Boutonne
Sanseverino without fuss before his concert in Brioux-sur-Boutonne

NR Partnership

We would have preferred to meet him face-to-face, but with “one hundred and twenty” of concerts per year, Stéphane Sanseverino has the schedule of ministers which he disapproves of. Carry out five to seven different projects in parallel, “It’s the only way I’ve found to live.”justifies the 62-year-old artist, on the other end of the phone.

“I don’t see why today’s musicians would be wrong”

To compensate for the distance that separates us, we ask him to describe himself. “You’re in trouble!” I’m in shorts, I have neon green cycling socks, legs full of tattoos, a black t-shirt and blue hair.he lists, with the humor and frankness that characterize him.

To those who say that rappers’ lyrics are not respectful of women, I want to respond that with AC/DC, it wasn’t much better

Stéphane Sanseverino, singer-songwriter

Thursday July 4, 2024, the singer of The house on the port Or of the Traffic jams will perform in Brioux-sur-Boutonne, as part of the Festival au village. Double bassist Blanche Stromboni and drummer Stéphane Huchard will revisit his repertoire with him, which mixes gypsy swing, rock, blues, jazz and tango. True to the character, Sanseverino’s musical style resists any boxing.

Music is already polymorphous when it bursts into the life of the young titi from eastern Paris, then aged 20. In the Aulnay-sous-Bois apartment, country and American swing from the 50s rub shoulders with the voices of Béranger, Lavilliers, Nougaro and all those “who tell stories” and put you “films in the head”.

But contrary to what the big names of the song he invokes might suggest, Sanseverino holds nostalgia in horror. As evidenced by the title of his next album, It was better nowto be published in September 2024, designed as ” A revolt “ against the speech “reactionary” of ” it was better before “.

“I don’t see why today’s musicians would be wrong and those from before would be right, defends the sixty-year-old. When I was little and electric guitars and drums appeared and it started playing loudly, the fans of the song of the 1930s said that it was noise, not music. »

History repeated itself a few years later, at the time of the birth of rap, denigrated by certain rockers. “To those who say that rappers’ lyrics are not respectful of women, I want to respond that with AC/DC, it wasn’t much better. »

Nearly twenty-five years after the release of the album that made him known, People’s tango, Stéphane Sanseverino continues, behind his dark glasses, to take a keen look at the world, to question it. Perhaps we should see the work of his children, aged 18 to 30? With them he saw the saga The Planet of the Apesbut also the doubts that the era places on the shoulders of a youth “uncertain future”particularly in terms of climate.

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“Ashamed of being a guy”

In 2017, at the time of the surge of the #MeToo wave in France, which saw a proliferation of testimonies of harassment and sexual violence, he experimented “guilt” new : “the shame of being a guy”. “Not that I have anything to reproach myself for, but I didn’t know where to put myself, or what to do other than listen to these women. They are right to leave the construction site behind. Nothing is acquired without noise. »

He’s been making noise since 1992, on stage, but not only that. In the 2022 presidential elections, whoever considers himself “more civic than politically engaged” had called to vote for the candidate of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

A year later, he took to the streets to demonstrate against pension reform. We ask him about the imminence of his, as he approaches his 63rd birthday. The answer bursts out: “Rather die!” ». So on stage. Approval, on the other side of the phone. “Yes, like Dalida. »



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