In Libourne, a festival questions man’s relationship with nature

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“The festival has found its form. And it becomes more and more green over the years, through the places of meeting and representation…” Marie-Laure Picot, director of Littérature en Jardin, production of the Permanences de la littéraire association, sees in this fifth edition a form of maturity. The principle of manifestation? Surprise, bring culture to unusual places, natural spaces, banks and wooded areas, parks and rivers… A step aside to reflect on the problem of the Anthropocene, a new era beginning at the moment when man, through his action , began to destroy the planet. Garden Literature, vintage 2024, takes place from Tuesday June 18 to Sunday June 23 between Libourne, Savignac, Guîtres, Coutras and Saint-Émilion.

“We will receive in particular Jean-Christophe Bailly, essayist and poet, writer of landscape, city and nature, Sunday June 23 at the Château Dassault in Saint-Émilion, during a talk on the life of rivers, their identity, the landscapes they draw, their interactions with man. » The author, who taught for nearly twenty years at the School of Nature and Landscape in Blois, has published numerous texts each plowing this same furrow in their own way, including “Le Dépaysement” or more recently “Temps real ” threshold.

Parliament of Loire

The festival also programs Camille de Toledo, author at the heart of the Loire Parliament citizen project, and theoretician of an “International of Rivers”, who continues work on “the legal personalization of ecosystems”. The writer will speak in particular during a reading conference on the Dordogne, Saturday June 22, aboard a boat trip departing from Libourne, in the company of the mayor of Porchères David Redon, here wearing his baseball cap. president of the Coutras Archaeological and Historical Research Group. Which, it is no coincidence, is working with Sietavi and the Trois Tiers collective on its own Isle Parliament project.

The other guests of honor? The writer Alexis Jenni, based in Libourne, returns to the festival on Saturday June 23 at the Château Dassault on the occasion of his latest work, “A naturalist on the roof of the forest”, the fruit of his meeting with the naturalist Francis Hallé, for a commented walk with botanist Anne Richard, followed by a reflection “on the study of living things in a world where it is chaotic”. But also the actor André Marcon, who will come to defend his favorite text, “The Discourse to the Animals” by Valère Novarina, which he has performed for almost forty years, a monologue which “speaks of things that we do not talk about, which are interior, deep, taboo”, Saturday June 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the atypical setting of the Guîtres abbey church. “Or even Marielle Macé, author and researcher at the CNRS, whose works question her experience of nature,” continues Marie-Laure Picot. This will be about breathing. »

Intimate music festival

Brainstorming in perspective, which does not exclude break times, where the only pleasure of a meeting at the water’s edge counts. Like this meeting organized on the occasion of the Fête de la Musique. “We are organizing a literary vigil from 10 p.m. in a magical place on the edge of the Isle,” smiles Marie-Laure Picot, delighted with this counterpoint to the great popular festival of June 21. With musical improvisations by Michel Doneda, and stories recited by actress Marie Pustetto, “which resonate with the night”. “We’re crossing our fingers that the weather will be nice…”

Free with the exception of the outing on the Dordogne on Saturday June 22 (15 euros). Reservations recommended. Rens. 07 86 47 79 29; Complete program on the website

Cinema and comics at the rendezvous

Cinéphiles en Libournais and the Protestant Meeting Center join Littérature en jardin for a tribute to the writer Joseph Conrad, who died a hundred years ago. Readings will take place at the temple, followed by the screening, at the Grand Écran cinema, (single price: 6 euros) of “Gabrielle” by Patrice Chéreau, adapted from the short story “Le Retour”.
The festival also invites comic book authors Troubs and David Prudhomme for a meeting at the Coutras tavern, Thursday June 20, on the theme “Drawing nature”. The two men will discuss their way of integrating nature into their creations. David Prudhomme was also entrusted by the association with the production of the drawn “route map” of the festival.



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