At the Mégascene festival, a successful 33rd edition despite unpredictable weather

At the Mégascene festival, a successful 33rd edition despite unpredictable weather
At the Mégascene festival, a successful 33rd edition despite unpredictable weather

Despite the threat of rain which loomed throughout the day on Friday and Saturday, the 33rd edition of the Mégascene festival in Saint-Colomban took place without incident. The sun even peeked out between two showers.

The Friday evening programming had its effect. As usual, the appearance of the comedian and singer, Didier Super surfed on provocation and subversion, constantly challenging the spectators who seemed seduced. The artist Olivia Ruiz knew how to charm and make her audience dance, offering the first notes of her latest album replyincluding one of the songs, You dance, is dedicated to Nadia Guillemain, victim of femicide in March 2022.

Rap, electro

Another expected group was Danakil. Installed on the big stage, their mixed music, between reggae and world music, naturally thrilled the audience. At the end of the concert and without any possible ambiguity, the singer will have invited the festival-goers “ to put the fascists out » during the upcoming legislative elections. The next performance, that of the German musician and DJ, Shantel, was also a success. The artist will also have known how to make his audience go wild. But on Friday evening, the one that all the teenagers and young people present were waiting for was the rapper, Niska, a reference in the world of French rap today. It was the electronic music group from Nantes, Creeds, who closed the dance on this first day of the festival.

The rain, the other guest

Saturday morning, while residents and campers woke up from their first night of concerts, the grayness returned, despite a little hope in the morning. But the weather forecast on smartphones remained as uncertain as ever. Aware of the climatic hazards, the festival-goers had planned raincoats and sweaters, even if some seemed warmed up, parading with their sequins surely found at the stand provided for this purpose by the organizers. Saturday evening still announced an eclectic program, with headliners like the young singer, Adèle Castillon, the queen of the Belgian stage, Selah Sue who even brought her children on stage, the French reggae man, Broussaï, the pop group 47 Ter or the young rapper, Favé, welcomed by jubilant young festival-goers. A wet but successful first festival.



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