A look back at the Spot festival which highlights young artists from Nantes

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Through this festival, of which it was the 13th edition, Friday June 14 and Saturday June 15, the City of Nantes highlighted the commitment, diversity, creativity and expression of Nantes youth, cours Saint-Pierre. Among them, there were the hip-hop dancers of Mouv mang, against a backdrop of Vietnamese pop music, and Jessica Lundi-Léandre, a feminist painter who also gets mothers and future mothers talking.

Mouv Mang and Thomas bao Nguyen at the Spot festival. | WEST FRANCE

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  • Mouv Mang and Thomas bao Nguyen at the Spot festival. | WEST FRANCE

Promoting their projects and promoting their words, this is the objective of the Spot festival. The programming was rich again this year. Friday June 14 and Saturday June 15, artists from Nantes took turns, on stage or in the community village: theater, concerts, workshops, dance and performances against a backdrop of exhibitions. For its thirteenth edition, out of 100 applications, the Spot festival selected 38 cultural projects carried out by young people from Nantes aged 16 to 25. Here are two that caught our attention.



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