“Christian Troadec puts continuous pressure on us”: Vieilles Charrues denounces the arrival of a bailiff on its site

“Christian Troadec puts continuous pressure on us”: Vieilles Charrues denounces the arrival of a bailiff on its site
“Christian Troadec puts continuous pressure on us”: Vieilles Charrues denounces the arrival of a bailiff on its site

Following the intervention of a bailiff and the municipal police on the Kerampuilh site, at the request of Christian Troadec, mayor of Carhaix, Monday June 10, 2024, the organizers of Vieilles Charrues wished to react in a press release this Friday 14 June. ” A first ! Commissioned by Mr. Troadec, these gentlemen came in force to see… The use of the site for the organization of the festival! They also took the opportunity to announce the municipal decree imposing a pharaonic and unilateral tax on the organization,” denounce the organizers.

The mayor of Carhaix is ​​doing everything possible to destabilize an event recognized by the cultural, economic and associative audiences of the region.

They denounce a “double discourse” from the mayor of Carhaix, who “imposes his points of view without discussion and uses intimidation. Remember that a crisis meeting was organized by the sub-prefecture on Wednesday May 29. It seemed to unblock the organization of the 2024 festival (…). The mayor was in reality preparing his new low blow coupled, as usual, with an obvious failure to fulfill his commitments made during this meeting. »

“The mayor of Carhaix is ​​doing everything possible to destabilize us”

The organizers continue: “For the teams who give their energy and their time, this is very poor recognition. (…) The mayor of Carhaix is ​​doing everything possible to destabilize an event recognized by the cultural, economic and associative audiences of the region, by putting continuous pressure on the organization, the teams, and by now calling on his municipal police and to the bailiffs (…). This new “coup” will undoubtedly allow the councilor to exist in the media but will in no way facilitate the organization of the next Vieilles Charrues, which begin in less than a month. »

“Preserve the spirit of fraternity to experience a great edition”

“I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the teams who were shocked by the events that occurred,” declared Jean-Luc Martin, president of the Vieilles Charrues association. I can understand their astonishment at these extremely serious facts. The association has, at no time, shied away from its responsibilities and duties. I invite them to maintain the spirit of fraternity which animates our teams, members, volunteers and festival-goers in the final stretch which will allow us to experience a great edition. For the rest, I prefer not to comment, the facts speak for themselves. »



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