The empire of Paul Arcand disoriented: in the footsteps of Patrick Roy

The retirement of Paul Arcand marks a turning page in the history of Quebec radio.

Star host of 98.5 FM for nearly 35 years, his voice resonated in homes, cars and offices, becoming an integral part of the daily lives of thousands of listeners.

His departure is a major event, as disturbing as when the Montreal Canadiens lost Patrick Roy. The CH never recovered, Jocelyn Thibault never having been able to put on the skates of the greatest goalie in the history of hockey. Will Patrick Lagacé be able to do it?

Paul Arcand was much more than a simple animator. He was the reference, the compass that guided listeners through the underside of the news every morning.

Just like Patrick Roy, whose loss marked a period of decline for the Canadian, Arcand’s departure leaves an immense void, difficult to replace for 98.5 FM and all of Quebec radio.

For loyal listeners, its absence creates a feeling of disorientation, as if an essential point of reference had been taken away.

The testimony of his colleague, LP Guy, scares for the future of the station, but especially of Quebec radio as a whole.

“I discreetly sat in the control room of 98.5 this morning to observe Paul Arcand’s last “normal” show on the air.

All the superlatives used to talk about his career are justified. It is a model, a guide. For people who follow the news, it’s the equivalent of losing your compass in the middle of the forest. This morning, I also wanted to highlight the work of his team on the microphone and behind the scenes in management. Paul was in a Cadillac!”

Over the years, Paul Arcand has earned the trust and admiration of his audience thanks to his rigor, his intelligence and his journalistic flair.

His ability to tackle a variety of subjects, from politics to economics to current affairs, has allowed him to reach a large and diverse audience. He was able to confront politicians firmly while demonstrating sincere empathy, a rare quality that made him a respected and beloved figure.

Arcand’s career is punctuated by successes, but also challenges met brilliantly. His show, “Puisqu’il avoir se leva”, monopolizes nearly 37% of the market share between 5:30 a.m. and 9 a.m., a feat that testifies to his talent and his ability to capture the attention of listeners.

His secret lies in his ability to never rest on his laurels, to always seek to improve his show and to take calculated risks to surprise and captivate his audience.

For example, he dared to introduce columnists with strong opinions, such as Luc Ferrandez, provoking contrasting reactions but enriching the public debate.

Initially, Ferrandez, who is against the use of the car, enraged Arcand listeners who are mostly in their vehicles when they listen to the show. It took courage and a cheeky spirit to dare to hire this former mayor of Plateau Mont-Royal.

One of Paul Arcand’s striking characteristics is his discretion about his private life. Unlike many media personalities who willingly expose their privacy, Arcand has always kept a clear barrier between his professional and personal life.

His wife and children, although mentioned from time to time, were never part of his marketing plan. This reserve contributed to his aura of mystery and the perception of his integrity.

Those who worked with him attest to his warmth and sense of humor, often hidden behind the serious facade he could display on air.

The departure of Paul Arcand leaves a major challenge for his successor, Patrick Lagacé. The latter, although talented, will have to prove himself and gain the trust of an audience accustomed to Arcand’s reassuring voice.

Arcand warns everyone: it will take time for listeners to get used to the change and for the new team to find their feet.

The first comments will be harsh, but you should not let the initial criticisms get you down. The history of radio teaches us that transitions, although difficult, can lead to new periods of success and renewal. Arcand sends a vibrant message to his successor.

“Patrick has everything it takes to succeed. But you have to let the listener get used to the change. He should not take the comments into account at the beginning. When I started hosting on CJMS, the bosses would have had every reason to fire me. It wasn’t very good! Then, it finally settled”

Arcand’s departure inevitably recalls the end of the Patrick Roy era at the Montreal Canadiens. When Roy left the team, the Canadian lost more than just an exceptional goaltender; he lost a leader, an icon, a source of stability and confidence.

The franchise took years to recover from this loss, desperate to recapture its former glory. If we’re honest. the CH has still not recovered.

Likewise, 98.5 FM will have to navigate without its compass, finding new ways to maintain and strengthen its connection with listeners. It’s not win.

Paul Arcand will not completely disappear from the airwaves. He will continue to collaborate with 98.5 FM for podcasts and other projects.

However, his daily absence will be felt as an irreparable loss for those who had made his show a morning ritual.

Paul Arcand’s retirement marks the end of a golden era for Quebec radio. As the departure of Patrick Roy marked a turning point for the Montreal Canadiens, that of Arcand imposes a period of transition and adaptation for 98.5 FM and its listeners.

He leaves behind an immense legacy, an exemplary career and a marked imprint on the Quebec media landscape.

The challenge will be significant for Lagacé, but Arcand’s journey shows that, with rigor, passion and a bit of risk, it is possible to touch and leave a lasting impression on the hearts of the public.

A giant leaves the airwaves…like the evening Patrick Roy left Montreal…



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