80 students from Miramas and Salon-de-Provence fly over the Alpilles, the Luberon and the Durance valley

80 students from Miramas and Salon-de-Provence fly over the Alpilles, the Luberon and the Durance valley
80 students from Miramas and Salon-de-Provence fly over the Alpilles, the Luberon and the Durance valley

It was her great-uncle commander who flew a Spitfire during the Second World War, who passed on her passion for aeronautics to Sandrine Le Gaillard. The French and English teacher at Notre-Dame-de-Miramas college in the La Presentation school group also flies at the Rossi-Levalois aerodrome in Salon-Eyguières.

Driven by humanitarian values ​​and meaningful projects, she will participate with the Wings & Hope association next September in the Toulouse-Saint-Louis air rally in Senegal, following in the footsteps of aviation pioneers like Saint-Exupéry, Mermoz or even Guillaumet. It is in this context that with her team, she will collect school and medical equipment to equip different African countries where the stages are planned.

A meeting with the aerobatic team

At the same time, this aviation enthusiast, helped by her colleague Florian Davanier, physics professor at Viala Lacoste, organized an aeronautics discovery day for their students at the Salon-Eyguières aerodrome.

A unique opportunity for 80 young people from Notre-Dame College (6th and 3rd) and Viala Lacoste (3rd and 2nd including students of the aeronautics initiation certificate, BIA), to discover the site and take their first flight flying over Alpilles, Luberon and Durance valley, thanks to experienced pilots. Before tasting their first flight for many of them, the teenagers participated in workshops such as the flight simulator, model making, drawing, biodiversity and sustainable awareness: exploration of the fauna and flora of the plain de la Crau, or even calculation and compensation of the carbon footprint of first flights.



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