Better late than never. This is what we prefer to say before the broadcast, tonight, of the entire series Years and years on France 2. Released in 2019, the work of Russell T. Davies (It’s a sin) is nevertheless a real favorite and a punch at the same time.
The series of BBC follows the Lyons family, originally from Manchester (United Kingdom), in the post-Brexit world over fifteen years. Vivienne Rook (Emma Thompson), a sort of female Donald Trump, divides opinion. His coming to power will shake up the country and the life of this family.
Read also: “It’s a sin”; An HIV-positive person gives us his opinion on the series by Russell T. Davies
Emma Thompson at the top
Chillingly true and surprising, the six-episode choral series was intended to be pure fiction when it was released. Five years later, it is clear that the scenario no longer has anything futuristic about it. From the rise of the far right in Europe to the excesses of artificial intelligence, including climate change, the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the invasion of Ukraine by the Russians, Years and Years had a hollow nose.
The result is a moving series, which does not forget to entertain, thanks in particular to inimitable British humor and an incredible performance from the actors, Emma Thompson in the lead. Too bad you have to spend your night in front of the TV to enjoy all the episodes, which are fortunately available on the free streaming platform
France 2 10:45 p.m., after new episodes of In the shadows and on