E. Franco: “at 6 years old, I played in the musical The Sun King”

E. Franco: “at 6 years old, I played in the musical The Sun King”
E. Franco: “at 6 years old, I played in the musical The Sun King”

Emmanuel Franco is 25 years old. He was born into a musical Calvisson family and is himself a cellist, but not only that, since he is also a director, singer and actor at the Oratorio de Calvisson center. Emmanuel Franco is a workaholic, because at the same time he pursues higher studies, baccalaureate at 16, he enters the University of Montpellier where he obtains a Master II HR and continues with a doctorate in resource management to be a teacher at Faculty.

Emmanuel, how does the adventure begin?

My mother gave birth to me on a Wednesday, and the following Sunday, I was already in the pram next to her for a concert she was doing. Suffice to say that music has rocked my childhood until today and that the Oratorio center quickly became my home. A musical awakening followed at a very young age, followed by dance and very quickly at 6 years old, I played in a musical The sun King in which a child was needed.

When did it click?

One day for my mother’s birthday, my father who is a tenor asked me to sing alone and it was the first time in front of a large crowd, and what I felt that day was so strong that it was now part of my life, at 15 I continued by taking music lessons in Nîmes, Montpellier and in Switzerland, high school of music with Brigitte Balleys.

At 15, is it fun?

No, it has become an overflowing passion, I am playing in a musical presented by Oratorio, Mozart Opera Rock which for me is the most beautiful comedy and in which I sang the character of Antonio Salieri, Mozart’s adversary. That’s when I knew that my life was also in the show or what surrounds it.

At 25, will you choose?

Until now I have carried out my studies and the Oratorio center at the same time, where in both there is sharing, transmission, and nothing can give me more pleasure than being able to transmit values ​​to children or people , either in a class or at the Oratorio artistic center which is and will always be my passion, my life.

The Oratorio center presents Saturday June 15 at 9 p.m. in Clarensac Salle des Chasselas “Starmania”, June 30 at 7 p.m. Ratatouille and July 6 King Arthur at 9 p.m. The direction is by Emmanuel Franco. Such. 06 62 83 15 12.

Correspondent Midi Libre: [email protected]



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