The HABIT, the Museum of Urban Art and Street Art of Neuf-Brisach celebrates the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, with a work that is currently being created. The birthday will take place November 9th.
A Trabant, a reconstructed Berlin Wall
Two German artists: Cren and AkteOne are taking over the venue all this week. From Tuesday November 5, they will perform liveunder the eyes of visitors, a work that reconstructs this event. There is the Berlin Wall of course and in the middle of the room, a Trabant, a car made in East Germany will be installed and redecorated. There are also two hoods from this same car.
“I saw the Berlin Wall fall on television, it was incredible. Everyone thought it was a joke and in the end it wasn’t a joke at all” remembers Cren who was on the West German side. AkteOne is East German.
In the room dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, there will also be photos from the time by Jan K Tyrel who attended this incredible event. “Visitors will also be able to add their signature or graffiti to part of the wall, as in 1989,” explains Stanislas Belhomme, the founder of MAUSA.
Many Germans expected
The work should be completed by the end of the weekit will then be visible for 6 months and will attract many visitors, particularly Germans.
“In our museum in Bitche, we have a Trabant which crosses the Berlin Wall. The Germans are very touched by this tribute, it is also a way of showing that there is this reunification and this Franco-German friendship which exists well and in a museum”, adds Stanislas Belhomme.