in slight deficit, the Gallia is reducing its sail for the 2024-2025 season

1 In 2023, how has the Gallia fared?

The Gallia Théâtre is gradually recovering post-Covid, but there is still a long way to go. For 2023, the financial year shows a negative result of 27,914 euros (compared to +20,155 euros in 2022). “This deficit is explained by the increase in certain charges (raw materials) but also ancillary costs on certain shows, such as transport, to which is added the reduction in subsidies from the City (-19,000 euros) and the Department », Develops Dominique Sarah, the director of Gallia, Tuesday June 4. In total, this represents 33,000 euros less in subsidies over the calendar year.

The City remains the primary financial support with 815,000 euros in aid (73% of the subsidies allocated). Then, Gallia pays him an annual rent of 365,000 euros.

The 2023 budget amounts to less than 1.6 million euros (1.63 million in 2022) and is divided into three items: a part dedicated to live performance and cinema, another third to the operation of the theater and, finally, a final third devoted to payroll.

Sylvie Barre, president of the association, at the microphone Tuesday evening.


2 The live show, “the continuation of the global project”

Thirty-six shows and 73 performances were scheduled last year and 15,744 spectators attended (86% attendance rate) – compared to 10,360 in 2022. “We are continuing our global project around new writing, support for young creation with the Dagor company, associated artist since 2022,” continues Dominique Sarah. Pooling also marked the past year, with Cirque à Brizambourg, an event in collaboration with the A4 of Saint-Jean-d’Angély and the Avant-Scène of Cognac. Gallia wishes to continue to develop this axis, “with more territorial tours”. There were of course times of mediation throughout the year with, for example, the continuation of the partnership with the Théâtre options of the Palissy high school with the artists of the Cie du Dagor, Studio Monstre and the OS’O collective .

A third of the programming is dedicated to young people (from first grade to final year, + 35% compared to 2022). On a positive note, the number of memberships increased this year to 1,640 (compared to 1,520 last year).

3 “Anatomy of a Fall”, star 2023 at the Gallia cinema

Justine Triet, the director of “Anatomy of a Fall”, during filming at the Saintes courthouse, in May 2022.

archives É. L./ SOUTH WEST

Cinema is not left out with 233 films screened for 1,746 screenings. In total, this represents 37,930 paid entries, or revenue of around 180,000 euros (+ 20% compared to 2022). It’s the 2023 Palme d’Or, “Anatomy of a Fall”, filmed in Saintes in May 2022, which finishes at the top of the podium with 2,083 entries; followed by the last Miyazaki, “The Boy and the Heron” (1170) and “The Animal Kingdom” (834).

“We are slowly going back up the slope,” describes Marguerite de Lacotte, the cinema manager. What works well are meetings. On average, 74 people go there. But we can’t have a snack every session. » It is on the dry sessions that the Gallia struggles a little more. “We show more confidential films and our mission is to support these films,” she adds.

Last year, there were also meetings like the 18e God save the screen festival (2,919 spectators), which brilliantly highlights cinema from across the Channel. Without forgetting the school sessions (8,607 spectators) and outside school hours (2,995 entries).

4 A 2024-2025 season with fewer shows

“The 2024 budget is already in trouble because certain expected subsidies will not be paid at the requested level,” said President Sylvie Barre. We’re not sure we’ll hold it. » The choice was made for the 2024-2025 season to program fewer shows: 27 for 57 performances. “It’s a clever balance to find to reduce the financial volume of programming a little,” adds the director. The team can also count on a reduction in operating costs with the availability to the City, going from 15 to 30 days per year. “It’s interesting for us, it’s equivalent to one month less rent, or 30,000 euros,” underlines the president.

The new season will be presented Thursday September 12 at 6:30 p.m. On the program, for example, “Sous les fleurs” by Thomas Lebrun, “Le Repas des gens” by François Cervantès or even “Footballeur” by Arnaud Vrech.

5 Suspended tickets and new prices

Proposed by André Preschel, the great experience of suspended tickets will be renewed. The principle is simple: it is possible to buy an additional ticket and leave it available to people who cannot afford a show/session. These so-called suspended tickets are granted to those who request them, without proof of income. There are 36 beneficiaries on the cinema side and 22 on the show side (4 places to be filled).

Prices for cinema tickets will increase by 50 euro cents. “Times are tough, we have to find solutions,” summarizes the president. A young moviegoer loyalty pass at 45 euros for 10 seats was created to encourage young people to come to the cinema.



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