“Terraces” by Laurent Gaudé, at the heart of the tragedy

“Terraces” by Laurent Gaudé, at the heart of the tragedy
“Terraces” by Laurent Gaudé, at the heart of the tragedy

Published on May 27, 2024 at 01:58.

Highlighted at Terraces, the French novelist, poet and playwright Laurent Gaudé asked this question: “History will tell the story of the facts. Who will tell the story of souls? A few words which perfectly summarize the project of this polyphonic text currently transposed on the stage of the Théâtre de la Colline in Paris: to give voice to the intimate voice of those who took part in or witnessed this night of horror.

It is precisely on the stage that Laurent Gaudé’s writing finds its origins. Before being recognized by the Prix Goncourt for his novel The Sun of the Scortas in 2004, the author had sharpened his pen by writing epic texts for the theater based essentially on the voice. Then, in 2001, a first novel was published entitled Cris from which alternately rises the words of soldiers mired in the trenches of the Great War, thus forming the polyphonic and incantatory song of a dispossessed humanity.

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