Saint George killed the dragon, in front of the moist eyes of 5 actors who were making their last fight

It took a little over half an hour for our valiant Saint George to overcome his sworn enemy. But he succeeded, he won, the dragon died again this year. An emotional fight for the actors who entered the arena for the last time. This was particularly the case for the protective chin-chin, Benoît Lechien, the leaf man Lester Delsaut, the devil Steve Willems, and the chin-chins Philippe Boelpaep and Stéphane Delmotte.

Jimmy, 79 years old, was Saint George for 15 years at the Ducasse de Mons: “I am the only one to have fought with a helmet mounted backwards!”

A devil, Diego Licata, was almost deprived of a fight, but his unfailing desire to enter the arena made the difference. This Saturday at the end of the day, he indeed participated in the rehearsal of the fight in the courtyard of the town hall like all the other actors. This is where his ankle refused to do more. Ice, a bandage and a little rest managed to heal him. He entered the arena without problem this Sunday afternoon. His ankle was weak, but he held on throughout the fight.

Diego, injured during rehearsal, is in the arena this Sunday afternoon.
Diego, injured during rehearsal, is in the arena this Sunday afternoon. – EG
By rope.
By rope. – EG

Thanks to the help of the public and his chins-chins, Saint George was able to defeat the dragon, weighing 180 kilos. This year’s guest, Laurent Voulzy, had the courage to watch the fight from the arena. We could see his amazement on his face, he who is probably unaccustomed to experiencing moments like this.



NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region