Lons-le-Saunier. After the Molières, Pamela Ravassard nominated for the Musical Comedy Trophies

Lons-le-Saunier. After the Molières, Pamela Ravassard nominated for the Musical Comedy Trophies
Lons-le-Saunier. After the Molières, Pamela Ravassard nominated for the Musical Comedy Trophies


Joffrey Fodimbi

Published on

May 26, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

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It’s the story of a little girl, Pamela Ravassard, who, like thousands of others, one day formulated a dream. A seven-year-old girl, who, like hundreds of others, will clearly imagine her future. A little girl from Lons-le-Saunier who, alone, will succeed in achieving her goal: that of living in the world of theater.

If we know that we can all realize our dreams, admit it concretely, through the journey of a small Jura who has given himself the means, can, perhaps, push us to surpass ourselves to achieve our objectives. Because Pamela Ravassard’s journey reveals only one thing or almost: to reach your dreams with your fingertips, you simply have to give yourself the means.

At 7 years old, my uncle who was looking after me that afternoon, took me to see a play, quite by chance. And it was a immediate revelation, upon arrival in the hall. I don’t remember what we went to see, but I remember perfectly sensation what the place gave me, and my desire to then spend my life there. »

A certain necessity

Little Pamela directly asks her mother to register her for the library – “where I read all the plays I could; but mainly from Molière » – but also to take a subscription to be able to feed regularly on his budding passion.

“Then in CM1, a role in Peter Panwhich we had played at Lons-le-Saunier theater with the help of a professional actor, and then the theater option at college, the theater workshops that I multiply, my desire to go to high school in Salin-les-Bains to take the theater option that my father refuses, which obliges me to take the option as a free candidate for the bac from the Jean-Michel high school. But it is above all work and perseverance which made me pursue this path, but also a certain need. For me, it was that or nothing! »

An obstinacy for the theater, reinforced by encounters – “ Julien Daroles, Christian Pageaultmy middle school French teacher,Exile workshop » – whom she will end up completely marrying when she leaves Jura.

At 17 years old, after my baccalaureate, my father wanted me to watch my back. So I left Besançon to do hypokhâgne and khâgne, knowing that I won’t go any further. Because at the same time, I registered with conservatory, which only confirmed my desire to make theater my profession. »

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Theater, but not only that…

In addition to her profession as a director and actress, Pamela Ravassard is also an actress for cinema and television, as well as a voice actress.
• Cinema: Maryline by Guillaume Gallienne; All Cops! by Jean-Pierre Mocky; Live ! by Yvon Marciano…
• Television: Plus belle la vie; Black Baron; Profiling; The judge is a woman; Sat …
• Dubbing: American horror story; Big little lies; Hawaii 5-0; Insidious; Mad Men; Only god forgives; Teen Wolf ; Suits; Walking Dead; 13 reasons why ; 90210 …

“I am very regularly in the Jura”

Through the games of opportunities, destiny or the chances that she seizes, Pamela Ravassard “multiplies the cards to [se] perfect” by joining a theater troupe, then leaving to Parisbefore joining the free class of Florent course at 22.

Although she has since lived in Paris, where she also founded 2008 there Paradox company(s) with Henri Dalemthe Lédonienne who has achieved her dream nevertheless keeps her feet on her Jura land.

“I am very regularly in the Jura, where my father still lives and where I have a house Marignyand more widely throughout the region Burgundy Franche-Comté where I often make residential homes. For me, it is a real desire to return to my roots, because I am very attached to my region. »

His latest creation, Courgette, nominated seven times for Molières. ©Olivia Cheval

A region that inspires him, as in 2011when she rides with her company Farm Wives, inspired by a work bringing together the testimonies of peasant women from the region, or even during her next creation, which she will present the October 15, 2024 has Beaune, and where “I had to regain the accent that I had lost over the years. Not to mention the cheesefondues and yellow wine which I always introduce to my teams in Paris. That’s what I like: I’m welcoming, I like making them food. »

Character traits that push her to define herself as an “artist-artisan”, the secret of her success: a dream achieved through sheer will to work.

Seven nominations for Molières

May 6 was an evening to be marked with a milestone for the Paradoxe(s) company. Indeed, during the Molières ceremony, which each year rewards the most remarkable artists and shows of the public and private theater season, the entire team of the play Courgette, the company’s latest production, was named: a first in the history of the ceremony.
“Although of course we had the hope of being nominated in a category or two, we didn’t expect so much! » Indeed, that evening seven nominations went to the team of the Jura actress: the Molière of the public theater, Paméla Ravassard for that of the direction, Vanessa Cailhol as actress, Garlan Le Martelot as male revelation, Florian Choquart , Vincent Viotti and Lola Roskis as actors in a supporting role.
And if in the end, only Vanessa Cailhol obtained the Molière for actress, Pamela Ravassard is no less happy. “We put on this show alone, we are a small company, so we are not surprised by the results; but it’s still a great reward. Without forgetting that we are also nominated for the Musical Comedy Trophies which will take place on June 10. » A ceremony which will take place, like the Molières, at the Folies Bergère in Paris. Maybe the opportunity to score a double.

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