Friville-Escarbotin: Chabada presents And if we were traveling, his musical comedy

Friville-Escarbotin: Chabada presents And if we were traveling, his musical comedy
Friville-Escarbotin: Chabada presents And if we were traveling, his musical comedy


Gamaches Editorial

Published on

May 25, 2024 at 7:16 a.m.

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There are approximately two yearsa few amateur singers decide to meet in Friville-Escarbotin (Somme), to form the association Chabada. Since then, she has brightened up the daily lives of seniors in retirement homes in the area or performed in a few cafes and bistros, such as in Cayeux-sur-mer or Mons-Boubert. But Saturday May 25, 2024a completely different exercise awaits him: a musical comedy.

A life in songs

A somewhat distressing prospect for one of these three singers, Florence Martin, even if the project does not date from today: »The idea of ​​a musical came from a member of the group, who has left for other horizons, today. But we worked on it for a long time. »

It is the fruit of this work, What if we traveledwhich she will present on stage, in the company of Delphine Boulanger, Adeline Lasne and of Claudine Castot, actress of the troupe. The pitch: Marie, aged 70, remembers her life and her adventures, the 50’s until today. The opportunity to travel through time, in music of course, but also thanks to costumes and photographs corresponding to all the decades.

As for songs, more than thirty will be performed, all from the popular French repertoire of yesterday and today, from Pierre Perret has Claudio CapéoPassing by Michel Delpech, Patricia Kaas Or Master Gims.

The song Mirzaof Nino Ferrerwill be sung by a rather special guest: Léonie, 9 years old, the granddaughter of Florence.

A few days before the fateful date, stage fright begins to be felt, both among the artists and among Christian, Malika And Christina, who will work behind the scenes, but everyone agrees on one point: They want to have fun and entertain. “Even if it doesn’t work out as we would like, at least we will have gotten to the end of things!” ” smiles Florence. “It will be a first, but it will be a great time whatever happens. »

A first…which, if it receives a good reception, could very well give rise to other performances. So mark your calendar !

And if we traveledt, musical comedy by Chabada, Saturday May 25 at 8:30 p.m. in Friville-Escarbotin, Edith Piaf room. Entrance: 2€

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