The horoscope for Monday October 21, 2024

The horoscope for Monday October 21, 2024
The horoscope for Monday October 21, 2024

You can find more horoscopes and get a live consultation at 3210. You can also find advice from Christine Haas every day on Instagram to make the most of the day’s situation.


If your moods are very unstable at the start of the week and you are more sensitive than ever, you will catch up on Thursday and Friday, I promise. First you will be more internally stable, more sure of yourself, and then you will read in the eyes of others that they only want to agree with you. 1st decan, above all, Venus sends you good impulses: if you like someone, set out to conquer them, everything will go like clockwork.


Communication will be important on Tuesday and Wednesday, you will be more inclined to communicate and it is in your interest to make your appointments on these days, or to take your necessary steps. 2nd decan, born around May 3 and 4, you will be able to impose your ideas, your method, under the impetus of a harmony between Mercury and Saturn on Tuesday at the end of the day. The weekend will also be very positive for you, you will feel safe and good about yourself.


This Monday, the Moon meets Jupiter which occupies your 3rd decan. This can encourage you to be overly optimistic or self-confident, but beware of disappointment. On the other hand, you will be at ease on Thursday and Friday, especially if you have to respond to difficult people. Particularly Friday for the 2nd decan. Relationships with loved ones will also be featured, as will your ties with your teenage children, which are not easy to manage.


You will receive the Moon tomorrow and Wednesday, your sensitivity being at its maximum tomorrow, 2nd decan. You will be touched by mocking remarks, or just teasing, but you will not always take them well. The humor of Mercury Scorpio sometimes escapes you and you are not the only one… On Wednesday the Moon will meet Mars in your 3rd decan, an overflow of energy for some, anger for others, but it is not recent, you even thought you had buried it.


Conduct yourself with elegance when the Moon is in your sign on Thursday and Friday, you will be observed, judged, show the best in you. Be open, cheerful, generous, courageous, your qualities will be your best business card. On Thursday, the Moon will meet Venus (1st decan), love could make you dream, the charm of someone will not leave you indifferent. And there could be a little party planned Friday evening for those born around August 12, 13, 14.


Friendship will be in your news tomorrow and on Wednesday, you may have a project with someone in your group. Tomorrow, everything will go well, whatever you have to do you will be quick and efficient. Same thing if you have to travel, go to an appointment or see someone in the family. 3rd decan, the Moon/Mars meeting on Wednesday asks you to act or make a decision. This weekend, the Moon will be at your home, you will think too much and in a pessimistic manner 2nd decan.


The best days of your week will undoubtedly be Thursday and Friday, with a Moon/Venus and Moon/Jupiter conjunction, nothing but happiness. 1st and 3rd decan, you are the most pampered by the stars, take advantage of this week to strengthen your friendly ties and your relationships with your professional allies. However, next weekend, with the Moon in Virgo, take a step back and take care of yourself, giving yourself as much time as you give others.


The start of this week will be great, with the Moon in Cancer which will inspire you with ideas of escape, distant trips, a change of scenery. After all, it’s the holidays. Until Wednesday evening, you will have the opportunity to escape in thought, if not in reality. However, you will feel less free between Thursday and Friday, you will have obligations which will take up your time and burden you mentally. Take advantage of the weekend to relax in the company of your friends (Moon in Virgo).


Thursday, Friday and part of Saturday will be the most positive days, you will have the pleasant feeling of being accepted and in the right place professionally. Or in your friendly circle. It’s something that will flatter you, that will make you feel important. Especially since some natives of the 2nd decan have the impression of counting for nothing at the moment, because of the dissonance of Saturn which takes away your self-confidence. Fortunately, no one notices.


Be conciliatory, listen to others Tuesday, Wednesday, show delicacy by being concerned about their sensitivity and by sparing their susceptibility. The Moon in Cancer sees you more sensitive to everyone’s moods, you better take this into account if you have something to ask: it’s better to come at the right time! Saturday and Sunday will be the best days of the week to lighten your mental load; don’t worry too much about the details.


The best days of the week to make appointments, gather friends or take care of an association are Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning. You will have an open and tolerant mind, which will be necessary if you want people to listen to you and approve of you. If you have to reach an agreement with someone, a lively discussion is to be expected on Friday, especially if you are from the 2nd decan: Mercury in Scorpio will be activated and your interlocutors will not be in phase with you.


Tuesday and Wednesday will be your best days, that is to say you will have a little something extra that will allow you to seduce, at work or elsewhere. You will be able to use your charm for any purpose, after all if you have it, it is not to keep it for yourself! Charming others means sending them good vibes, satisfying vibes that will allow you to be listened to and get what you want. A loan could be granted to you, for example (but charm will not be your only asset).

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