In Geneva, a “Tristan and Isolde” told through its costumes

In Geneva, a “Tristan and Isolde” told through its costumes

“Tristan and Isolde”, a lyrical tragedy through its costumes

The Wagnerian monument opens the season at the Grand Théâtre. Conversation with Michaela Barth, who dresses the two romantic heroes.

Published today at 8:16 p.m.

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Wagner: So it will be him. The Grand Theatre opens its new season with one of the German composer’s essential works, “Tristan and Isolde”, in a new production by the director Michael Thalheimer and directed into the pit by Marc Albrecht. The machine of the Geneva opera house thus finds its usual movements and speed as it embarks on its final straight: it is now necessary to refine the small details, to chain together the rehearsals that count, before revealing itself entirely with the premiere this Sunday, September 15. The cogs of the machine, as one might expect, are running at full speed, and to realize this, nothing beats a dive into one of the institution’s workshops, where almost everything takes shape.


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