Sebastian Stan boss size, Demi Moore’s Chihuahua, Nabilla new look… What you shouldn’t miss in Cannes

Sebastian Stan boss size, Demi Moore’s Chihuahua, Nabilla new look… What you shouldn’t miss in Cannes
Sebastian Stan boss size, Demi Moore’s Chihuahua, Nabilla new look… What you shouldn’t miss in Cannes

From May 14 to 25, our special correspondent on the Croisette summarizes the highlights of the 77th Cannes Film Festival.

This Monday, Sebastian Stan became the favorite for the acting prize by slipping into the shoes of Donald Trump for “The Apprentice”.

For her part, Demi Moore returned to the Palace with her adorable Chihuahua to talk about her mind-blowing performance in “The Substance”.

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Cannes film festival

Already a favorite for the male acting prize? The American Sebastien Stan struck a big blow this Monday on the Croisette by delivering a stunning interpretation of Donald Trump in The Apprentice, Ali Abbasi’s film in competition for the Palme. The one who plays the Winter Soldier in the Marvel blockbusters plays the future American president in the 1980s when he built his real estate empire thanks to the advice of the sulphurous lawyer Roy Cohn. Our review can be read here!

Demi Moore: never without my chihuaha

The day after the official screening of The Substance, the mind-blowing horror comedy by Coralie Fargeat, Demi Moore went to meet the photographers with Pilaf, her adorable Chihuahua. Soon the exclusive interview by Messi, the Border CollierAnatomy of a fall ? At a press conference, her mistress spoke about the role of Katherine Sparkle, an aging actress who creates her younger, sexy double thanks to a strange invention.

It was the best challenge. I’m always looking for materials that push me out of my comfort zone“, she assured. Unlike her character, Demi Moore assures that she is never felt “erased“by her age, she who has just celebrated her 61st birthday. But she described”a very raw experience, which required me to be vulnerable and expose myself physically and emotionally, allowed me to better accept myself as I am“.


David Cronenberg disappoints again

Last year, David Cronenberg fans eagerly awaited Crimes of the Future, his first film after an eight-year absence. What unfortunately emerged was the feeling that the Canadian master of body horror was going in circles. Did he rectify the situation a year later with The Shrouds ? Not really. Vincent Cassel plays Karsh, a businessman who has not recovered from the death of his wife, played by Diane Kruger. So much so that he invented a revolutionary system that allows his clients to watch the decomposition of their deceased from inside the coffin. Nice.

The day his high-tech cemetery is desecrated, Karsh sets out in search of answers with the help of his wife’s twin sister. Weighed down by dialogues which idly address the dangers of AI and the fascination with conspiracy theories, this sluggish feature film never really takes off. Despite everything, we are moved by his hero’s touching confessions about grief, an obvious echo of that of the filmmaker who lost his partner and editor Carolyn to illness in 2017.

Cannes 2024: “Les Shrouds”, an extract from the filmSource : TF1 Info

Kirill Serebrenikov commits

He hasn’t forgotten where he comes from. Deprived of his passport for several years due to his troubles with the Kremlin, the Russian director in exile Kirill Serebrennikov is in Cannes to present Limonov: In Ballad, a film about the life of the famous writer and dissident based on Emmanuel Carrère’s novel of the same name. Monday, he took advantage of the photocall and the press conference to support the artists Evguénia Berkovitch and Svetlana Petriïtchouk, tried in Moscow for “justifying terrorism” in a play put on in 2020. For those around them, it is an alibi to silence these opponents of the war in Ukraine. “I fear that they will be put behind bars for a long time since they risk 5 to 7 years in prison“, the filmmaker told TF1Info.


The look of the day

With her new short haircut, we almost didn’t recognize Nabilla on the steps of The Apprentice. We remember a time not so long ago when the slightest appearance of the former “Angels” star would have sparked a riot. From now on, influencers have replaced reality TV stars in the hearts of young audiences. And the one everyone is waiting for is Lena Situations, announced Wednesday on the red carpet to discover The count of Monte Cristo with Pierre Niney.

Nabilla on the steps on May 20 in Cannes. – AFP

This Tuesday, time for a French cinema legend, the great Catherine Deneuve! In Marcello Mio, the new film by Christophe Honoré, his daughter Chiara Mastroianni is the victim of an identity crisis and literally thinks she is her father. A potential interpretation prize? This slightly metaphysical comedy on paper is one of the three films in competition of the day with Anora by the American Sean Baker and Parthenope by the Italian Paolo Sorrentino. But THE star will be the Olympic flame which will climb the steps surrounded by a delegation of Olympic and Paralympic athletes.

Jérôme VERMELIN in Cannes



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