Theater and circus at ENAC

Theater and circus at ENAC
Theater and circus at ENAC

the essential
The Los Galindos troupe performs its artistic creation “Mort De Rire” at the National School of Civil Aviation on Thursday May 23. Nourished by the imagination and circus techniques, the show is a farce as funny as it is frightening which questions the arbitrariness of justice.

The “Los Galindos” troupe performs “MDR”, a show combining theater and circus arts, Thursday May 28 at ENAC (National School of Civil Aviation). The performance is open to the general public and specially addressed to all Toulouse students. The company, founded more than thirty years ago by two circus artists, presents fanciful and audience-friendly circus performances internationally. She was awarded the National Culture Prize in Spain in 2016.

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Their latest creation, “MDR”, is an entertaining but also disturbing farce, which questions the arbitrariness of justice. It features three clowns, confronted with an improbable crime, a dubious trial and an absurd punishment. The artists recount a hilarious and frightening misadventure, which reveals a story of sincere friendship. Performed since 2020, the show has received numerous awards, including the 2023 Talía Prize for best circus show. As the show is wordless, foreign students will be able to fully enjoy it.

Thursday May 23 at 9 p.m. on the ENAC campus, free entry, online reservation.


NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region