Lub’art fest brings color to the hamlet of Coustellet

Lub’art fest brings color to the hamlet of Coustellet
Lub’art fest brings color to the hamlet of Coustellet

Exhibitions, frescoes, contemporary dances, concerts, workshops: urban art can be consumed in all its facets throughout the weekend with Lub’art fest. A first festival of its kind in Coustellet, designed to create connections and invite contemplation and even be proactive.

We only want Coustellet to rhyme with the Sunday market. We wanted to revitalize the heart of the hamlet and create momentum by offering more cultural, multidisciplinary and transgenerational offerings. The crazy challenge of this festival was to play the street art card and the feedback for this first day is conclusive, people from all backgrounds and ages appreciate the meeting. This is just the beginning“, testified Zoé, one of the linchpins of the system supported by the Lub’art fest association, in concert with the Association of professionals, craftsmen and traders of Coustellet (Apacc 84). Very invested, several managers thus welcome an exhibition in their store until Monday.

It must be said that as far as street artists are concerned, the setting is also idyllic. They can express themselves life-size and reveal many artistic creations to visitors who come in large numbers. “We are free in our creativity and we share our practice with the general public, it’s pure joy. It’s also good that the town halls are supporting us, we have to move forward with the times. Graffiti is not vandalism; we do urban art“, underlined Nhoj, in the middle of creating a giant, blue, abstract calligraphy. See you today and tomorrow again.



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