In solidarity with Palestine, a collective calls for a boycott of the Enrico Macias concert in this Wednesday

In solidarity with Palestine, a collective calls for a boycott of the Enrico Macias concert in this Wednesday
In solidarity with Palestine, a collective calls for a boycott of the Enrico Macias concert in Lille this Wednesday

Will Enrico Macias be able to celebrate his sixty years of career in ? This is what he plans with his tour titled The party continues ! His arrival is planned in Lille on Wednesday, at the Sébastopol Theater at 8:30 p.m.but not everyone likes it.

Launched this Tuesday, a petition asking “ deprogramming » of the singer’s concert collected this Tuesday afternoon a little more than 300 signatures. At the origin of this mobilization, a collective of associations, bringing together the Palestine Solidarity Association 59/62, Attac, the Lille Collective of Feminist Struggles or the Young Communists : he wrote to director of the performance hall and to the mayor of Lille to cancel the planned concert. The collective is also calling for a rally in front of the Sébastopol Theater on Wednesday evening.

The singer from Enfants de tous pays had called for “physically” “demolishing” LFI elected officials.

The singer called for “ knock out » « physically » elected officials from La France insoumise (LFI), on CNews on October 10, 2023. His sentence ignited the powder: a few days after the deadly attack by Hamas on Israeli territory which had killed more than a thousand people, Enrico Macias reproached the members of the party for their remarks, who then refused to use the word “ terrorism » to describe the assassinations. “ We have to knock them out “, the 85-year-old artist publicly assured, adding “ maybe even physically ”, before qualifying “ I’m exaggerating, I know! »

Date postponed

Known for his pro-Zionist positions and his unconditional support for Israel, Enrico Macias has often been at the heart of political controversies. In February 2019, he sang in Morocco while defying anti-Zionist demonstrators who had called for boycott of his concert. In May 2024, a concert on his current tour was canceled in the southwest of France or in Haute-Savoie after another call for a boycott: faced with pressure from social networks, the authorities wanted to avoid potential unrest.

In Lille, the concert of the singerChildren from all countries was initially planned for June 2024while two dates had just been canceled in Les Sables d’Olonne (Vendée) due to insufficient ticket sales. The Lille date had been postponed, “ for health reasons », See you this Wednesday.



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